15 November 2012 – 17 February 2013
Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Barcelona, Spain
We are very happy to announce the next opening of re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona, Spain!!!
Opening: Thursday, 15 November 2012, 7.30 pm
Several artists and the curators Bettina Knaup and Beatrice Ellen Stammer will be present!
During its stay at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies, the mobile archive, currently presenting works by more than 160 artists and artist collectives, will be accompanied by a series of lectures, performances & talks initiated in collaboration with Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison, the Goethe-Institut Barcelona, the Mercat de les Flors. Irregular Section and the Càtedra d’Art i Cultura Contemporanis de la Universitat de Girona, among others.
An Activity Space for educational and research activities in the form of workshops, screenings and presentations will allow the audience to further engage in current questions on performance art and feminism.
The mobile archive will be showcased at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies from 16 November 2012 until 17 February 2013 before returning to Berlin in June 2013 to be presented at the Akademie der Künste, Berlin. Recently added works by: Shirley Cameron/ Monica Ross/ Evelyn Silver UK, Carola Dertnig AT, Coco Fusco USA/CU, Anna Bella Geiger BR, Birgit Jürgenssen AT, Kvinder på Værtshus (Women down the pub) DK, MaraM IT, Friederike Pezold AT, Mariuccia Pisani USA/IT, La Ribot ES, Antonieta Sosa VE, Anna Szwajgier/ Zorka Wollny PL, Mare Tralla EE/UK.
Further details on the programme at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies
Photo: Laughing Hole, 6 hours performance in Basel 2006 by La Ribot. Photo by Gilles Robin
27 August 2012 – 30 September 2012
Tallinna Kunstihoone
Tallinn, Estonia
The next stop of re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive on its tour through Europe is the Tallinna Kunstihoone. The archive with currently more than 150 artists will be accompanied by an exhibition presenting videos of four key-performances from the Baltic countries (Mare Tralla from Estonia, Cooltourists from Lithuania) and Russia (Pussy Riot, a feminist punk-rock band from Moscow currently facing trial) and a program of lectures, a seminar and screenings.
Opening: Monday, 27 August 2012, 5 pm
5.30 pm: Fat kid, pretty kid, Performance by Mare Tralla
6 pm: Grit and Husk, Performance by Marje Taska
Further details on lectures and seminars at the Tallinna Kunstihoone
More information: www.kunstihoone.ee;
reetvarblane@gmail.com; tamara@kunstihoone.ee.
Image: PUSSY RIOT by Igor Mukhin, 2012. (In solidarity with NadezhdaTolokonnikova, Maria Alyokhina and YekaterinaSamusevich: Free Pussy Riot)
Forschungsprojekt „Verzeichnungen“
1. August 2012 - 31. August 2014
Das Projekt „re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive“ wird von einem Forschungsvorhaben begleitet, das sich der Untersuchung zeitgenössischer Archivpraktiken im Feld der Darstellenden Kunst widmet. Angesiedelt an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Mendelsohn Bartholdy“ in Leipzig sowie der Universität der Künste Berlin und gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, sollen im Rahmen des Vorhabens „Verzeichnungen. Medien und konstitutive Ordnungen von Archivprozessen der Aufführungskünste“ die Vorarbeiten, der Verlauf und die Disseminationen von „re.act feminism #2“ analysiert und in den größeren Forschungszusammenhang zu Fragen nach der Archivierbarkeit sowie den sozialen und konzeptionellen Bedingungen von Dokumenten und Quellen von Performance eingefaßt werden. Forschungszeitaum: 1. August 2012 - 31. August 2014
Gerade die Historizität von Performancekunst wirft derzeit zahlreiche und grundlegende Fragen auf, z. B. nach dem Zugang zur Geschichte dieser Kunstformen für nachfolgende Generationen, aber auch nach dem Charakter der Artefakte und dem ontologischen Status der Aufführung im Wechselspiel aus relationaler Bedingtheit und schöpferischem, medien-spezifischen Eigenwillen der je generierten Formen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage von Bewegung als Medium der Bewahrung und zugleich zu bewahrendes Medium und deren komplexes Gefüge aus Körperlichkeit, Objektstatus, Dokument und Zeugenschaft.
Barbara Büscher / Franz Anton Cramer
16 June 2012 – 19 August 2012
Museet for Samtidskunst
Roskilde, Denmark
We are very happy to announce the opening of re.act.feminism #2 - a performing archive at the Museet for Samtidskunst in Roskilde, Denmark!
Opening: 15 June 2012, 5 to 7 pm
5.15 pm: Opening speech by the museum director Sanne Kofod Olsen and the curators Beatrice E. Stammer and Bettina Knaup
5.30 pm:
Instant - Performance by Yingmei Duan
The exhibition is on show from 16 June till 19 August 2012
The archive is accompanied by a workshop "Animating a performing archive" organized by Mary Coble and Judith Schwarzbart. It will take place at the Museet for Samtidskunst from Wednesday 27 June to Saturday 30 June. The aim of the workshop is to find ways of animating the archive through interventions in and presentations of material from the archive. To sign up email:
mary.coble@gmail.com or
For detailed information on the workshop please visit
The growing archive has recently been enlarged by the following artists and artists’ collectives:
Arahmaiani ID, Malin Arnell, SE/DE, Augusta Atla DK, Nancy Buchanan USA, Mary Coble DK, Katrina Daschner DE/AT, Teresa María Díaz Nerio, DO/NL, Kirsten Dufour DK, Angelika Fojtuch PL, Trine Mee Sook Gleerup DK, High Heel Sisters DK/NO/SE, Icelandic Love Corporation IS, IngridMwangiRobertHutter KE/DE, Jakob Lena Knebl A, Molly and Me (Molly Haslund DK + Catherine Hoffmann UK), Senga Nengudi USA, Paulina Ołowska PL/ Lucy McKenzie UK, Raeda Saadeh PS, Stefanie Seibold DE/AT, Annika Ström SE/UK, Teresa Tyszkiewicz PL/FR, Yeni & Nan VE
Image: Senga Nengudi, Ceremony for Freeway Fets, Los Angeles 1978, Courtesy: the artist
5 May 2012 – 26 May 20122
Galerija Miroslav Kraljević
Zagreb, Croatia
On Saturday, 5 May 2012 at 7 pm, the Galerija Miroslav Kraljević and cross links e.V. cordially invite you to the opening of re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive in Zagreb, Croatia!
The presentation of the archive in Zagreb will be accompanied by discursive programmes that foreground and incite local research on the history of performance. In the last few years, this has become an increasingly discussed topic, accompanied by noticeable attention in curatorial, artistic and publishing projects on both the history of performance and curating performance.
Discussions and the workshops will serve as a base for introducing new additions to the re.act.feminism archive, therefore encouraging a collaborative process of curating and questioning the archive.
The Galerija Miroslav Kraljević (G-MK) is an independent and non-profit contemporary art platform and gallery, dedicated to artistic and intellectual practices that question various phenomena of contemporary culture and society, especially those looking into the relation between politics and aesthetics.
Further details on the workshop and discussion at the Galerija Miroslav Kraljević
Photo above: "Simone Forti "Solo No. 1", Image copyright the artist, courtesy of Video Data Bank
23 March - 22 April 2012
re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive in Gdansk, Poland
On Friday, 23 March 2012 at 6 pm, the Wyspa Institute of Art and cross links e.V. cordially invite you to the opening of re.act.feminism #2 – a performing archive in Gdansk, Poland!
The archive will be presented in an enlarged version with more than 140 artists. It is accompanied by a small exhibition featuring performance artists of different generations from Poland.
The growing archive has recently been enlarged by the following artists:
Ebtisam Abdulaziz AE, Marina Abramović RS, Marijs Boulogne BE, Tania Bruguera CU/USA, Chicks on Speed DE, María Teresa Hincapié CO, Nan Hoover USA/DE, Léa Lublin AR, Jumana Manna USA, Rabbya Naseer & Hurmat Ul Ain PK, Lorraine O'Grady USA, Gina Pane IT/FR, Zorka Ságlová CZ, Sandra Sterle HR, Mierle Laderman Ukeles USA
Opening programme and further details on the lectures and exhibition at the Wyspa Institute of Art

30 October 2011
re.act.feminism @ Tate Modern
re.act.feminism and Drag Show Video Vérité:
Works from the archives
30 October 2011, 12pm
Tate Modern, Starr Auditorium
In the context of Trashing Performance
25 - 30 October 2011, London
... read more
re.act.feminism and Drag Show Video Vérité:
Works from the archives
30 October 2011, 12pm
Tate Modern, Starr Auditorium
In the context of Trashing Performance
25 - 30 October 2011, London
A series of curated film screenings at Tate Modern with rarely seen
film and video documentation of performance from archival projects
in Europe and the USA, including Drag Show Video Vérité and re.act.
The re.act.feminism screening presents rarely seen works, which reflect
the notion of trash and feature hairy beauty queens, pregnant male TV
moderators and aging drag kings.
With excerpts from:
Helen Chadwick, UK, Domestic Sanitation, 1976, 30’
Nathalia LL, PL, Consumer Art, 1972-1975, excerpts, 2:49
Polvo de Gallina Negra, MX, Madres por un dia, 1987, 17:28
Gabriele Stötzer, D, Trisal, 1986, 21’ / Kai und Karsten, 1983, 10’
Line Skywalker Karlstroem, DK, Queen Deers, 2004, 4:03
Sands Murray Wassink, NL, Town Hall Philosophical Living Color Drawing, 2008, 21:53
Anne Quirynen, Maximilian’s Darkroom, 2004 (with Antonia Baehr & Antonija Livingstone, based on the performance ‘Cat Calender’, 2004)
Anne Quirynen, Maximilian‘s Darkroom, Video, 2004
with Antonia Baehr and Antonija Livingstone